My Summer

My name is Anna Katherine. This summer I went to Maine and Quebec. In Maine, I went to Bar Harbor. On the first day, we started off the trip by biking eighteen miles. My whole family was miserable. When we were halfway done my brother started crying because he wanted to leave. So we turned around and went back the way we came. But, the way we came was downhill on the way there but for us, it was uphill going back. The second day we went kayaking in the ocean. The waves were so big that we almost flipped. To top it off, my sister broke the rudder on the back of the boat. The entire Maine trip was kind of stressful.

In Quebec, we went to Quebec City. We went to tour this old prison that was turned into a school. The tour guides showed us these old cells that made it complete darkness for the prisoners. My brother volunteered to be shut into one of the cells. We also toured the Citadel which is an active military base in Quebec. One day, we rode a bus that gave a tour around the city. It gave a lot of information about the city. The time spent in Quebec was far more relaxing than the trip to Maine.


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