Bahamas Story

       For our mardi-gras break, my daily and I went to the Bahamas. We did a bunch of cool stuff there but my favorite thing we did was whenever we went to this cave that was partly underwater. Most people just went there and swam in through the entrance and snorkeled and just looked at the fish. Our tour guides said that sometimes, people would jump in from the top of the cave, which what they said was about ten feet above the water. My dad thought it would be fun and not a big deal.So we went around to the side of the island where the cave was, and started walking up to the top.

       We finally got to the top of what looked like a hill to us, but was actually the top the cave. So we get to the top and theres this big hole that we are supposed to jump down to land in the water below. Whenever we look down, I kid you not, the drop was twenty five feet. My little brother was freaking out because he didn't want to jump down. But, the tour guide said he shouldn't walk back down because it was too steep. I was the first up to go and I was terrified. Not that I was scared of heights, just that I hadn't seen anyone do it before and I didn't know what was going to happen. I step up to the side of the hole and look down. All I kept thinking was "Well, if I get hurt at least I will have a good story to tell when I get back home" I decided that I'm not going to walk back down, so I might as well jump. I closed my eyes and stepped off the side. When I landed I landed on the water flat on my feet. The impact really hurt my feet, they were super red. It was a good experience though.



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