VOMWEW reading response

        A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings was set in a beach town at a family's house. It starts off with Pelayo finding an old man with wings laying down in his yard. The mood of this book is pretty unsettling. The overall plot contributes to that. The old man, who is considered an angel, is treated like a circus animal with people throwing things at him and travelling from all over to see him. He is treated kind of poorly, being kept in a cage with the chickens and all, and everyone trats him like an animal.

        This story was kind of sad as well. There is one part in the book where its talking about the man and how he "awoke with a start, ranting in his hermetic language and with tears in his eyes, and he flapped his wings a couple of times," This part was really sad to me because this old man does not know why hes in a cage and he is upset about it.  Everyone expects someting from him, be it magic or ability to cure illnesses, and they get mad when he has no powers. This is also sad to me because they disregard this guy because he can not help them.



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