Lord of the Flies

        In Lord of the Flies, I find Jack to be an interesting character. His hunger for power and blood is concerning at times. I found it strange just how intense he is about killing the pig. I figured that his obsession would stop once he killed his first pig. Naturally, I was wrong. His passion stays at the same level or even grows. His ritual that the hunters do after they kill a pig is relatively frightening. The part in the book where they all are stabbing at Robert with spears and Jack suggests they do the same thing but with a littlun, shows Jack's quite rapid descent into savagery.

       Jack's want for power is the most evident in chapter eight. He gets aggravated whenever no one wants to vote Ralph out of power and vote him to be chief. He gets really upset and goes off to make this own tribe. His hunger for power makes their sense of civilization and order fall apart. Jack is the epitimy of natural human evil, or what Simon calls the Lord of the Flies.


  1. I loved the way you described Jack in this post! I find his character very interesting, too. Great job!


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