Thanksgiving Day

For Thanksgiving break this year, my family went to the beach for the first part if the week, and we planned to drive back on Thanksgiving day to eat lunch at my great grandmother's house. On Thursday, we had already gotten a late start, and we were rushing to get out of the house and on the road. Little did we know, a 10k was happening on the main road of the town we were in. My dad pulled out his phone and tried to find a different way we could go. Panic crossed everyone's faces as our hope began to plummet. We had to wait for the race to finish in order to leave.

We ended up waiting an hour until the road was re-opened. At this point, we didn't think we were going to make it there on time. Flying down the interstate, my dad reassured us. My siblings and I were skeptical of his claims. We all love to see our family for Thanksgiving every year, and we were disappointed that we may not make it. We rolled into the driveway at twelve thirty and rushed into the house. We had arrived just as they were cutting the turkey.


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