New Semester Reflection

         In the fall semester, I learned that I need to use my study hall productivly because without it, the workload is too much. At the beginning of the semester, I used my study hall well, but toward second quarter i started to get lazy and ended up not doing anything. When exams rolled around, i began to do work in study hall and it helped a ton, so for spring semester i will definitely use my study hall. I also learned that tutorial is a valuble time to use to talk to teachers about questions. In the beginning of the first semester i would treat tutorial as just a long break but it was really helpful when i used it to do work. It was escpecially helpful during exams.

         Finally, I learned that homework and participation points are a bigger part of your grade than one might think. Just paying attention in class and participating can earn points in classes so making sure you get participation points is important beause those are the backbone of your grade. Homework points are also a big part of your grade so even though you may not want to do homework, those are the points that keep your grade up. For the spring semester, I want to stop procrastinating, sleep more, and make good grades,


  1. Homework is huge! Every time a younger students asks me how high/middle school I tell them to do their homework. Nice Writing!

  2. I agree that using your study hall productively can help you a lot when you have lots of work. It can help you to not be stressed, good job!


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