Winter Break

Every year for christmas, my family does the same thing. We celebrate the day before christmas eve with my dad's family, christmas eve with my mom's family, and christmas day with my grandparents on both sides. After christmas we go down to the beach with our family friends for new years and my sister's birthday on the twenty seventh. This year, they couldn't go, so we went with just our family.

We used to have a house in florida that we would go to, but we sold it. So this year, we rented a house in the same area. The beach was very cold, so we did not go much, but there was still a lot to do. My sister had friends down there and they could drive, so that opened our options a lot more. Overall, my winter break was very fun.


  1. It sounds like your Christmas was a really fun one. I don't blame you for not going to the beach much, the ocean must have been like ice! Good post!

  2. It sounds like your Christmas was fun and spent with family. The beach sounds pretty brutal because of how cold it was this year around Christmas.


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