Political Post

What cities and states are doing about guns since the Parkland shooting

By Madison Park, CNN

This article describes different actions that were taken by cities, states, and the federal government concerning gun control following the school shooting at Stoneman Douglas. For example, Deerfield, Illinois is banning assault weapons and is fining residents who do not give up their weapons by June 13th. Other cities are banning "bump stocks" which are accessories that attach to semi-automatic weapons which make it easier to fire more rounds. 

I chose this topic because I find it very relevant today, school shootings and gun control have been on the news a ton. I just looked up "solutions to school shootings" and saw this article from CNN, a reputable source. I think that there definitely needs to be actions taken after these tragic shootings, but I find it troubling that the federal government is not doing more. The Parkland shooting made for eighteen school shootings just in 2018. I find that absurd. The fact that so many lives have been lost and minimal actions have been taken is crazy to me. Normally, when something happens that takes so many lives, actions are taken to prevent this sort of thing from happening again. I definitely think that banning assault weapons is a good idea for gun control, but the AR-15, the main gun used in school shootings, is not considered an assault weapon. But, with a bump stock, it will mimic a fully automatic gun. I think that it is good that some people are trying to take action, but at this pace, it will be a while until anything significant happens.


  1. I also read an article that had to do with the recent school shooting at Stoneman Douglas. My article described the concern of gun control and the actions that different places took following the shooting.

  2. I think it is crazy too! I really like your topic you chose. Great post.

  3. I agree that something needs to be done to prevent further shootings. It certainly is absurd that even after all the deaths, still nothing has been done. Great post


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