How is high school different than middle school?

Going into high school, I was very nervous. My sister had been a freshman the previous year, and she said that it had been super different than middle school. I heard that the classes were a lot harder. I was scared of this because when meeting with my college counselor, I was convinced to take more advanced courses than I thought I should.

Now, with the first quarter under my belt, I'm feeling pretty good. Sure, the workload is a good bit more, but the coursework wasn't crazy difficult. We have a lot more free time, which I like. Since there is more work, the extra time in the day is super helpful. I don't see that much of a change from going from middle school to high school. So far, this year has been going pretty good.


  1. I can relate to being nervous about the workload! I am so glad the quarter went well for you. Really good post!

  2. I relate to this post a lot. I was really worried before high school started, but with first quarter over, I realize it isn't anything I can't manage.

  3. I agree about the workload and being nervous at first. Although now, I realize after first quarter that it is not that bad. Good job!

  4. I like how I can relate to your post


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