What super power would you want to have?

If I could pick a superpower, I would want to be able to shapeshift into whatever I wanted to. This superpower would be the best because its basically all the other superpowers merged into one. If you wanted to fly, you could turn into a bird. If you wanted to be invisible, you could just turn into a fly or something else super small. Or if you wanted to breathe underwater, you could be a fish or something.

I think that having a superpower would be really cool. In all the books and movies I see though, I think that it would be more harmful than good. All the characters get into bad situations and have trouble getting out of them. Not to say that if someone was giving out superpowers I wouldn't take it, but I think that being able to shapeshift would be pretty cool.


  1. This is a very cool and interesting superpower. I definitely agree that I would use it for good and not evil, at least I hope I would... Good post :)

  2. This superpower is so innovative and very "think outside the box." It would be so cool if we could turn into birds and fly!


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