Behind closed doors pt. 2

        This week I finished reading Behind Closed Doors. I was insanely surprised by this book. It was so dark! I had NO idea the plot would be so dark. Grace and Jack's marriage isn't just a little sketchy, it's a lot sketchy. Jack turned out to be keeping Grace hostage and planned on taking her sister hostage too. He's a psychopath with serious family problems. Right after I finished writing my blog for last week I started reading again. After ten minutes of reading it started talking about how she was a hostage. I was so shocked.

      But I mean besides that, it was actually a decent book. It was very well written and it was always very suspenseful. Honestly, I didn't hate it. I like kind of dark books. I read girl on the train which was pretty dark, but this one went a little overboard. But I mean, if books like that are your jam, then I would go for it. It honestly wasn't awful.


  1. I loved the way you described this book! It sounds very interesting and dark.


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