Dear 12 year olds

        Dear twelve year olds, do not try and fit in with a group that is not about who you want to be. No  matter how bad you want to fit in, if those people aren't going to be good friends, don't bother. They'll rub off on you and not in the way you would want. If they arent good friends to you, when someone else wants to be friends with you, you arent going to be good friends to them. Trust me on this, don't bother with people who aren't good people.

       Also, don't buy into the dumb trends that come along. Eventually they'll stop being cool and you'll be stuck with a bunch of lokai bracelets and swell bottles or whatever the dumb new trend is. Its not going to make you cool, so again, don't bother with it. This goes along with the whole "don't try and be someone who you aren't advice" One more thing, you are going to find a group that suits you. When you get older you're goint to get new friends, so don't worry.


  1. That is very good advice. This is something you can take into all aspects of your life.


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