This is Where it Ends pt. 2

        My outside reading book is  This is Where it Ends by Marieke Nijkamp. I finished this book this week and it was very conclusive. While I was reading it last week I was worried that the book would not be as conclusive as i would have liked. But, this book concluded very well, with a ceremony held by the students of the school remembering the lives lost in the shooting. The ending was very sad because one of the important characters gets shot and killed by Tyler. The author really made us empathize with all of the characters. The author helped the reader feel whatever the characters were feeling in that moment.

        My concern when I was reading it last week was that the author didn't really show much about Tyler and who he is as a person. Towards the end Tyler's character is very well developed. The way that the author developed Tyler was through the memories of the narrating characters. The characters narrating would recall memories that involved Tyler that helped show who he is as a person. The only thing I wish the author had done would be I wish that the author made Tyler a narrator. I think it would have been cool to see the shooting from his point of view.


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