The 2016 Flood of Baton Rouge

        The 2016 flood was caused from prolonged rain in baton rouge and surrounding areas. This was not a named storm so there wasn't as much warning or press about it. A ton of people lost their homes and all of their belongings. Some places that were not considered at risk for flooding flooded, which meant that a lot of people who lived in these places had no flood insurance. But, the number of volunteers for relief efforts was very big. Almost everyone who was not flooded was out helping.

        Volunteers could help gut flooded houses or volunteer at donation drop offs. My family helped run a donation drop off. The amount of supplies dropped off was insane. So many people were eager to help in whatever way they could. The flooding affected a lot of people. Some statistics show that around 11 percent of the states population was affected in what way or another by the flood.


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